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Data Grid - Aggregation

Add aggregation functions to the Data Grid to let users combine row values.

The Data Grid Premium provides tools to give end users the ability to aggregate and compare row values. It includes built-in functions to cover common use cases such as sum, average, minimum, and maximum, as well as the means to create custom functions for all other needs.

End users can aggregate rows through the Data Grid interface by opening the column menu and selecting from the items under Aggregation. The aggregated values are rendered in a footer row at the bottom of the Grid.

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Structure of the model

The aggregation model is an object. The keys correspond to the columns, and the values are the names of the aggregation functions.

Initializing aggregation

To initialize aggregation without controlling its state, provide the model to the initialState prop, as shown below:

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Controlled aggregation

Use the aggregationModel prop to control aggregation passed to the Data Grid. Use the onAggregationModelChange prop to listen to changes to aggregation and update the prop accordingly.

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Disabling aggregation

For all columns

To disable aggregation, set the disableAggregation prop to true. This will disable all features related to aggregation, even if a model is provided.

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For specific columns

To disable aggregation on a specific column, set the aggregable property on its column definition (GridColDef) to false.

In the example below, the Year column is not aggregable since its aggregable property is set to false.

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Aggregating non-aggregable columns

To apply aggregation programmatically on non-aggregable columns (columns with aggregable: false in the column definition), you can provide the aggregation model in one of the following ways:

  • Pass aggregation.model to the initialState prop. This initializes aggregation with the provided model.
  • Provide the aggregationModel prop. This controls aggregation with the provided model.
  • Call the API method setAggregationModel(). This applies an aggregation with the provided model.

In the following demo, even though the Year column is not aggregable, it's still aggregated in read-only mode by providing an initial aggregation model as described above.

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Usage with row grouping

When row grouping is enabled, aggregated values can be displayed in the grouping rows as well as the top-level footer.

In the example below, each row group's sum is aggregated and displayed in its grouping row, and the total sum for all rows is displayed in the footer.

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You can use the getAggregationPosition prop to customize this behavior. This function takes the current group node as an argument (or null for the root group) and returns the position of the aggregated value. The position can be one of three values:

  • "footer"—the Data Grid adds a footer to the group to aggregate its rows.
  • "inline"—the Data Grid disables aggregation on the grouping row.
  • null—the Data Grid doesn't aggregate the group.

The following snippets build on the demo above to show various use cases for the getAggregationPosition prop:

// Aggregate the root group in the top-level footer
// and the other groups in their grouping row
// (default behavior)
getAggregationPosition=(groupNode) => (groupNode == null ? 'footer' : 'inline'),

// Aggregate all the groups in their grouping row;
// the root will not be aggregated
getAggregationPosition={(groupNode) => groupNode == null ? null : 'inline'}

// Only aggregate the company groups in the grouping row;
// director groups and root will not be aggregated
getAggregationPosition={(groupNode) => groupNode?.groupingField === 'company' ? 'inline' : null}

// Only aggregate the company group "Universal Pictures" in the grouping row
getAggregationPosition={(groupNode) =>
(groupNode?.groupingField === 'company' &&
  groupNode?.groupingKey === 'Universal Pictures') ? 'inline' : null

// Only aggregate the root group in the top-level footer
getAggregationPosition={(groupNode) => groupNode == null ? 'footer' : null}

The demo below shows the sum aggregation in the footer of each group but not in the top-level footer:

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Usage with tree data

When working with tree data, aggregated values can be displayed in the footer and in grouping rows.

In the demo below, the max values of the Last modification column and the sums of the Size column values are displayed in both the grouping rows and the footer:

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By default, aggregation only uses filtered rows. To use all rows, set the aggregationRowsScope prop to "all".

In the example below, the movie Avatar doesn't pass the filters but is still used for the max aggregation of the Gross column:

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Aggregation functions

Basic structure

An aggregation function is an object that describes how to combine a given set of values.

const minAgg: GridAggregationFunction<number | Date> = {
  // Aggregates the `values` into a single value.
  apply: ({ values }) => Math.min(...values.filter((value) => value != null)),
  // This aggregation function is only compatible with numerical values.
  columnTypes: ['number'],

You can find full typing details in the GridAggregationFunction API reference.

Built-in functions

The @mui/x-data-grid-premium package comes with a set of built-in aggregation functions to cover common use cases:

Name Behavior Supported column types
sum Returns the sum of all values in the group number
avg Returns the non-rounded average of all values in the group number
min Returns the smallest value of the group number, date, dateTime
max Returns the largest value of the group number, date, dateTime
size Returns the number of cells in the group all

Removing a built-in function

From all columns

To remove specific aggregation functions from all columns, pass a filtered object to the aggregationFunctions prop. In the example below, the sum function has been removed:

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From a specific column

To limit the aggregation options in a given column, pass the availableAggregationFunctions property to the column definition. This lets you specify which options are available to the end user:

const column = {
  field: 'year',
  type: 'number',
  availableAggregationFunctions: ['max', 'min'],

In the example below, you can only aggregate the Year column using the max and min functions, whereas all functions are available for the Gross column:

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Creating custom functions

An aggregation function is an object with the following shape:

const firstAlphabeticalAggregation: GridAggregationFunction<string, string | null> =
    // The `apply` method takes the values to aggregate and returns the aggregated value
    apply: (params) => {
      if (params.values.length === 0) {
        return null;

      const sortedValue = params.values.sort((a = '', b = '') => a.localeCompare(b));

      return sortedValue[0];
    // The `label` property defines the label displayed in the column header
    // when this aggregation is being used.
    label: 'firstAlphabetical',
    // The `types` property defines which type of columns can use this aggregation function.
    // Here, we only want to propose this aggregation function for `string` columns.
    // If not defined, aggregation will be available for all column types.
    columnTypes: ['string'],

To provide custom aggregation functions, pass them to the aggregationFunctions prop on the Data Grid Premium. In the example below, the Grid has two custom functions for string columns: firstAlphabetical and lastAlphabetical:

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Aggregating data from multiple row fields

By default, the apply method of the aggregation function receives an array of values that represent a single field value from each row.

In the example below, the sum function receives the values of the gross field. The values in the profit column are derived from the gross and budget fields of the row:

  field: 'profit',
  type: 'number',
  valueGetter: (value, row) => {
    if (!row.gross || !row.budget) {
      return null;
    return (row.gross - row.budget) / row.budget;

To aggregate the profit column, you would have to calculate the sum of the gross and budget fields separately, and then use the formula from the example above to calculate the aggregated profit value. To do this, you can use the getCellValue() callback on the aggregation function to transform the data being passed to the apply() method:

const profit: GridAggregationFunction<{ gross: number; budget: number }, number> = {
  label: 'profit',
  getCellValue: ({ row }) => ({ budget: row.budget, gross: row.gross }),
  apply: ({ values }) => {
    let budget = 0;
    let gross = 0;
    values.forEach((value) => {
      if (value) {
        gross += value.gross;
        budget += value.budget;
    return (gross - budget) / budget;
  columnTypes: ['number'],
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Custom value formatter

By default, an aggregated cell uses the value formatter of its corresponding column. But for some columns, the format of the aggregated value might differ from that of the column values. You can provide a valueFormatter() method to the aggregation function to override the column's default formatting:

const aggregationFunction: GridAggregationFunction = {
  apply: () => {
    /* */
  valueFormatter: (params) => {
    /* format the aggregated value */
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Custom rendering

If the column used to display aggregation has a renderCell() property, then the aggregated cell calls it with a params.aggregation object to let you decide how you want to render it. This object contains a hasCellUnit property to indicate whether the current aggregation has the same unit as the rest of the column's data—for instance, if the column is in $, is the aggregated value is also in $?

In the example below, all the aggregation functions are rendered with the rating UI aside from size, because it's not a valid rating:

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gridAggregationLookupSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => GridAggregationLookup
const aggregationLookup = gridAggregationLookupSelector(apiRef);
gridAggregationModelSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => GridAggregationModel
const aggregationModel = gridAggregationModelSelector(apiRef);